- Several of us were brought near to tears after hearing that NASA is actively developing concepts for the warp drive.
- Gallery of winners in the 2012 astronomy photography competition reminds us why we dream of space travel in the first place. (via Brain Pickings)
- All of Chewbacca’s dialogue from Star Wars, in one chart, on a giant sticky note.
- Blastr’s list of ten characters of note this fall includes our favorite, Michonne from The Walking Dead, as well as
Jack HarknessJohn Barrowman as the appropriately named “Well-Dressed Man” on Arrow. - Great post and discussion about racial diversity and feelings of exclusion in the goth scene, as well as the shifting trends, thanks to some awesome Tumblr blogs. (One or two pics featured are slightly NSFW.)
- Matt Smith says, “Hey, Peter Jackson, let’s do a Doctor Who episode together in New Zealand!” Peter Jackson says, “Brilliant, just let me get my coat!” (Well, not in those exact words…)
- You can never really sound like a broken record when it comes to being excited for new programs supporting women in STEM.
- Lady Gaga inspires name for a new wasp, joins other celebrity species.
- TARDIS bookcase is bigger on the inside! (Want!)
This is the only time we wish we lived somewhere icy.
- Blending science fiction and fact, Robin Maxwell offers a modernized take on the Tarzan story, from Jane’s perspective.
- Gail Simone dispenses some survival tips and pep talk for the newbie writer.
- Who can resist jeering Robert Liefield?
- If you’re into that sort of thing, an emotional set of photos of grooms seeing their brides for the first time (walking down the aisle, not ever).
- Gorgeous under water “crop circles” made by fish. Nature, why are you so amazing?
- Your move, Dog Bureau: