I, too, stared in disbelief (via The Movie Guru’s Blog)
Last week, in response to early negative reviews, Megan Fox said, “How much money did Transformers 4 make? Exactly. Those people can complain – they all go to the theater. They’re gonna love it – and if they don’t love it, they can fuck off, and that’s the end of that.” And was she ever right. Even with a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 20%, TMNT made $61.5 million in North America, beating out the light-years-better Guardians of the Galaxy. That 62% of audiences is why we can’t have nice things.
More than just a horrible piece of filmmaking, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a perfect expression of White Male Bro privilege that pervades big summer movies. It is the ne plus ultra of douche. If TMNT were a person, it would be wearing a deep-V and shutter shades, pushing a red plastic party cup into your hands. Which is screwed up beyond all recognition, considering that the majority of the Nickelodeon film’s intended audience shouldn’t even be at that party.

Found on Reddit. Avoid going to Reddit. This particular subreddit is especially terrible. (via)
I’d warn about spoilers, but you’re not going to go see this movie anyway. (I hope.)