Here’s some good stuff for you this week:
- Congratulations to Helena Bonham Carter for being honored by the Queen as a Commander of the British Empire! Oh HBC, you were already Commander of Our Hearts.
- The release of Mass Effect 3 is in just mere weeks! Squee!
- According to Dan Harmon himself, the Greendale gang will be back in action when Community returns March 15th! Double squee!
- The nominees for the 2011 Nebula Awards have been
announced. Among authors in the running are favorites like N. K. Jemisin and China Miéville, Nnedi Okorafor for her much lauded children’s book Akata Witch, and Doctor Who for the “The Doctor’s Wife” episode, penned by Neil Gaiman. Also nominated is Genevieve Valentine for her first novel Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti, with cover design and illustrations by a friend of ours, Kiri Moth.
- This Flavorwire literary mixtape for Harriet of Harriet the Spy has us reminiscing on some of our favorite heroines. We’re pretty sure that Harriet would have made an awesome feminist geek herself.
- Mixed feelings about race bending or not, we’re intrigued by the upcoming release of the Hunger Games movie. For the time being, take a peek at the final soundtrack listing for the film.
- Nick Offerman and Diablo Cody collaborating on a movie? Please, tell us more! Our favorite mustachioed one is joining the cast in Cody’s Lamb of God, a film about a sheltered young woman who loses her faith after a plane crash and moves to Las Vegas for a more, shall we say, secular experience.
- Scott Pilgrim director Edgar Wright is in talks with Johnny Depp for a new project that sounds spectacular. Wright is hoping to bring The Night Stalker to the big screen, with Depp playing Kolchak, an investigator of the supernatural made famous by Darrin McGavin in the 1970s TV series. Given both Depp’s and Wright’s creative reputations, this might turn out to be a very stylish and fun reboot. Trivia for you: X-Files creator Chris Carter cites Kolchak as one of the chief inspiration for his own series.
- Amanda Seyfrield plays a distraught sister-turned-vigilante in Gone, out in theaters today. We’re hoping for some commentary on how society gaslights women, what with all their irrational emotions and theories, but it also looks promising as a twisty thriller that might deliver some great action and suspense.
- Major props to Doctor Her, a new site solely focusing on dissecting and discussing Doctor Who and its related universe from a feminist perspective.
- We can’t help but be super curious now that J.K. Rowling has signed a book deal with Little, Brown for a new novel. Everyone is being very hush-hush about the project, so all we know for now is that it’s going to be a volume intended for adults.
- We’re still giddy over this Brave teaser, showing just what a badass Merida is going to be. The movie comes out this summer and we can’t waaaaaaait!!!
- Sometimes, a good ending can make a great series even better, and this lunchtime read at io9 had us nodding our heads in agreement.
- Fashionable or not, we love our gadgets and try to keep them safe and sound. The design geek in us especially appreciates the Bloomingdale’s “Medium Laptop Case” from Refinery29.
- Some of us here have been really enjoying listening to Witchazel, the recently released album from actor and comedian Matt Berry (The IT Crowd, Snuff Box). If you like the notion of frolicking in fields of daisies in corduroy wizard robes, singing songs of love lost and gained, while a harpsichord and guitars swell, then you’ll love this album.
What’s on your radar this week?
Check out our previous Geeking Out posts.