Geeking Out

  • Ignoring the first image (which shows a scientist wearing improper personal protective equipment, tut tut), enjoy this article about science and Thanksgiving.
  • Regardless of the occasion, we love pie. Here’s an infographic about the 9 most popular pies this time of year, and an overwhelming list of pie and tart recipes.
  • Internet-famous cats, getting things done: not only was Lil Bub hired as a Buzzfeed editor, but this cutie from Japan is actually a stationmaster of her own train station.
  • Some of the women at Bioware are speaking out about troubling tendencies and plot tropes when it comes to rape.
  • Remember those dolphin curtains you had in your room? Maybe? Well, now you wish you’d kept them, because seapunk is totally a thing.
  • We really admire this man in Monrovia, Liberia who runs The Daily Talk, a perfectly hand-lettered chalkboard daily newspaper, to provide public access to current news.
  • We can’t stop staring at these animated GIFs by the rrrrrrrroll collective
  • Support the Troops! Especially support the ones who put together this Call Me Maybe cover, even if they were a little late in riding the viral train.
  • New studies indicate that women do ask for raises, they just get less when they do.
  • A long but worthwhile read about the gender pay gap, showing large differences in as little as a year after college.
  • The European Gender Summit hopes to make up for last year’s sexist “Science: It’s a Girl Thing” video by letting anyone submit a video. Vote on your favorites!
  • Notions of female attractiveness influence the gender imbalance in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields.
  • Two things: if you’re not following @Horse_ebooks on Twitter, you really should; and you should also check out the beautiful poetry composed by one Kimberly Walters, using the bot-account’s tweets.
  • These little wood-carved LEGO guys are the cutest, and oh so very sold out. Booooo.

And last but not least:

(via Open Culture)

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One Response to Geeking Out

  1. Roman says:

    Seapunk is over.

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