I have baseball on the brain. Really badly. That doesn’t mean anything though, until you consider that I know nothing about baseball and have never had any sort of interest in the sport. Until Fox’s Pitch, that is.

Kylie Bunbury as Ginny Baker
When Fox first started promoting Pitch, a baseball drama where Ginny Baker (played by the very talented Kylie Bunbury) becomes the first woman to play in the Major Leagues, I reblogged and retweeted to support a Black actress for landing a lead role on a show on a major network. Admittedly, when I tuned in to watch the pilot, I didn’t expect that months later, I’d have rewatched the show four more times, as well as get caught in the throes of reading all the fanfiction ever and find myself familiarizing myself with baseball terms, superstitions, and gameplay.
It wasn’t until my second rewatch that I recalled the last time I had so wholeheartedly enjoyed a fandom, and that was another Fox show I loved until I was third degree burned by it. The parallels between Pitch and Sleepy Hollow’s first seasons are promising, but if SH is any indicator, the challenges and possible pitfalls that await Pitch are a great cause for alarm, considering that they’re on the same network. Fox’s attitude about SH circa Season 2 was less than stellar and is a great predictor of what can happen to Pitch.

Nicole Beharie as Lt. Abbie Mills and Kylie Bunbury as Ginny Baker
At first glance, the two shows couldn’t appear more different: one is a supernatural “monster of the week” battle against the impending apocalypse; the other is a sports drama about breaking barriers (and hearts!) in baseball. That said, the two are astoundingly similar. Continue reading